Bowls News

Don Clark

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I have been a member of Warwick Boat Club tennis section for 15 years and soon afterwards started the Monday Nighters group. Fifteen years on and I am still the main organiser for the group which is continuing to flourish. Most Mondays we have 12 players playing. We have played over 650 Mondays now as a group.
I qualified as a pharmacist and have had a number of middle and senior management appointments within Boots the Chemists working all over the country in over eight locations from Whitstable in Kent to Warrington in Cheshire. I retired in 2022.
My hobbies include golf (9.6 handicap), tennis, coarse fishing, skiing and genealogy. Retirement has given me more opportunity to enjoy them.
I am married to Victoria who is a consultant dentist working at the Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. My son is an officer in the British Army and is a very keen sportsman. He skis and sails for the British army in competitions as well as playing Polo for his regiment. My daughter works in Birmingham for a large recruitment consultancy in the finance department.
I spent three years as the fifth team captain earning one promotion and then twice staying in our division with a certain Jon Browning as one of the key players and the first to be pencilled in.
Warwick Boat Club is very special to me and from our Monday night group there have evolved great friendships that span many other interests.
I am very proficient numerically and highly confident with Excel. In the past I  performed the role of treasurer for the Banbury Business Improvement District for three years before I retired.


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