Bowls News

Steve Chidlow

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My association with Warwick Boat Club extends back 18 years. I have enjoyed the diversity of our multi-sport club, mainly as a tennis player but even learning to row (singles) some 12 years ago. Over the last ten years I have served on the Tennis Committee and setup the club’s first booking system (LTA sponsored ClubSpark) and two years ago designed and configured the non-financial elements of the current myclubhouse system.  I was fortunate to be given Life Membership following implementation work around Covid.

I have playing experience of competed in a range of sports throughout the last 64 years, including basketball, middle distance running, tennis, hockey, Segway polo and Padel.

I have competed in the Wimbledon Seniors, however Hockey has been my main sport, more recently representing Warwick and Banbury Masters. I am a Level-1 Hockey Coach having coached and concurrently managed two Ladies Hockey teams at Warwick for 17 years.

I have held  a number of IT administration roles at hockey club and county level and at the Boat Club. implemented websites and operational IT systems.

My career in IT Sales continues with the selling of Operational Intelligence systems to major corporates.

My vision for IT at WBC is to improve the user IT experience and improve club management facilities to allow better planning of the club’s future.

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