Diane has been a member of WBC for 11 years and has served on the committee for 8 of them, as competitions manager, Stratford Herald League manager, and as Ladies Captain in 2017/18.
She has been married to Alan, who is also a bowls member, for 55 years and they live in the beautiful town of Warwick. They have a son and two grandsons, fifteen and nineteen. Other than bowls, Diane confesses to not having many other interests as she says looking after Alan is a full time job.
Diane has won the club singles championship twice and is the current holder for 2021/22. She has been awarded her South Warwickshire badge.
She involves herself in all aspects of the section, both as a player and socially. She also plays indoor bowls at Avon Valley Bowls Club through the Winter months.
Diane has organised tours to Potters Resort in Norfolk for the last four years and is planning a fifth tour in November 2022.