Rowing News

New Members

A very warm welcome to the Squash section! We very much hope you enjoy being a member of our club and meet lots of new squash friends.

Our main activity is the squash and racketball monthly leagues which are open to players of all abilities. We strongly advise new members to join the leagues as soon as possible – it’s the best way of meeting new friends and assessing your correct place in the league tables.

The squash league table is composed of about a dozen divisions, each with five players. Players in each division play each other once a month so there is a commitment to play an average of one league game a week.

Matches are the best of five games with point a rally (PAR) scoring to 11. The winner of each game scores five points and the loser gets one point for playing and a point for every game he or she wins. So if the better player wins 3-0 the score for the league points are 5- 1; if the score is 3-1 the league points are 5-2; and if the score is 3-2 the league points are 5-3.

At the end of the month promotion and relegation takes place, normally with the top two players gaining promotion and the bottom two being relegated. There are also trophies for the people with the most points over the winter and summer seasons.


We also hold annual club competitions culminating with finals and a dinner in the Spring. There are open squash, handicap and doubles competitions as well as a racketball handicap competition so players of all abilities have a chance of winning a trophy.

Throughout the autumn we hold a team handicap competition, involving both squash and racketball matches, which enables even the most inexperienced players to compete equally against players of all standards. The competition again ends with a finals evening followed by dinner and presentations.

Futher information

If you are new to squash we would ask that you book a free session with our coach Jonathan Peak, who will make sure you play safely and have a basic understanding of the rules. If you are a more experienced player it may still be worthwhile booking a session as we believe that safety is paramount in our sport. Having assessed your ability Jonathan will also be able to advise you on which league contains players of a similar standard.

If anyone requires more information or has any question please do not hesitate to contact Jonathan or any other committee member listed in the squash contacts.

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