Rowing News

Sue Hawkesford

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I have been a member of WBC for 17 years. I play league tennis and have been captain of the Ladies 5th & D teams. I also organise the Monday Ladies League.      I was elected to the committee two years ago and having an over view of the club I contribute to the general regulation of the Tennis Section.   ‘Headlines’ which I initiated and continue to regularly issue has become a recognised method of communication with members.  I continue to assist with MyClubHouse and arrange Court use for all team matches.  In my committee role I represent the interests of players who regularly participate in organised social mix-ins, and regular private play. I provide feedback to the Tennis Committee about the interests and requirements of this group of members.

I was a founding committee member of my local village Tennis Club and held an administrative and representative role on that committee for 13 years.

I left my professional life as a Pharmacist/manager in 2020 after which I was able to become more involved with WBC.

I would like to help WBC continue to be a great place to play tennis.

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