Wednesday - Clubhouse
The 112th Annual General Meeting of The Warwick Boat Club Limited will be held at the club on Wednesday 25th February 2015 at 7.30pm.
The meeting will receive the accounts for the year and set the membership rates for the coming season. This year, we will additionally debate and, if thought fit, pass a series of resolutions to update the club's Articles of Association. The Articles of Association are the rules by which the club is run and they need updating from time to time to accurately reflect the club's operation.
To encourage attendance at the AGM, this year we are offering all attendees a complimentary glass of wine on arrival. Hopefully this will encourage more participation in the formal business of the club. I'm sure it will also encourage the informal discussion that we hold afterwards!
The notice of the AGM, showing the club's accounts and the members nominated for the elected positions is attached to this story. If you wish to nominate any eligible member for any of the elected posts, you may do so up to 14 days prior to the AGM. Please email if you wish to stand or to nominate another member.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM on Wednesday 25th February at 7.30pm