Squash News

Court Booking

Squash Court Booking

Squash players can book courts on-line or from a touch screen at the Club. The booking system can be accessed at warwickboatclub.mycourts.co.uk.

Members can use a credit/debit card or a Paypal account or £10 vouchers from the bar to top up credit for booking courts. New members are given a Login name and Password to access the system. Members may book a court up to 14 days in advance but not before 7.0 a.m. each morning.

Booking Fees

At peak times (weekdays 6.30 p.m., 7.10 p.m., and 7.50 p.m.) members are permitted to book a maximum of three courts in a 14-day period.

The court booking fees are £2.00 for weekday evenings (Mon – Fri) from 5.50 p.m. to 9.50 p.m. The fees for all other times are only £1.50 and there are no charges for the court lights.

If members need to cancel a court they are encouraged to do so as early as possible to enable other members to make use of the court. The court booking fee is automatically refunded when the court is cancelled more than 48 hours prior.

If the booking is cancelled less than 48 hours before the court start time the booking fee is only refunded if the court is re-booked by another member.

Visitors’ fees are £3 a visit, with a maximum of three visits per subscription year.

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