Squash News

Geoff Prince

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The next 2-3 years will be a very exciting and challenging period in the history of Warwick Boat Club as it evolves its long-term vision, development and investment plan to ensure that the Club will have even better facilities where we can enjoy playing our favourite sports and meeting our fellow members.  As a member of the Tennis Committee (since 2016) I have attended a number of working group meetings over the past 12 months under the umbrella of the Club Captain where we have been drawing together ideas form the different sections and assessing the ‘art of the possible’ before presenting our plans to members and also to the wider community including local Councillors, Warwick District Council, local schools, other stakeholders and funding organisations.  I have over 40 years experience of coordinating complex development projects often in sensitive and attractive locations such as we enjoy at WBC, where success depends on ensuring support from the membership as well as the wider stakeholders.  As a regular playing predominantly social member with good links to other sections I believe I have the experience, eyes and ears to represent the interests of the Tennis section in evolving these plans, but also ensuring that we do not forget the need to maintain first class facilities in the short term.
I therefore seek your vote to be your Facilities and Development representative on the Tennis Committee.

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