Squash News

Policies & Procedures

Membership Contract

All members abide by the rules of membership which are downloadable here or at the foot of this page

Financial Guiding Principles

You can read the principles by clicking here to download the file

Safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults

Safeguarding at Warwick Boat Club is everybody’s responsibility.

www.safeguardingwarwickshire.co.uk is a new website for adults, children, young people, families, and professionals to keep everyone in Warwickshire safe and protected from harm of abuse and neglect.

The website provides clear and straightforward information to individuals who may be victims of abuse or neglect; their family, friends and carers; and people who work with them. It also contains important information about current safeguarding issues, how to recognise the signs and where to report any concerns.

If you have safeguarding concerns or you wish to gain more information please initially refer to this site.

Further details about Safeguarding at Warwick Boat Club can be found on our Safeguarding page at http://www.warwickboatclub.co.uk/safeguarding/


Personal Data Processing and Privacy Policy Summary

We capture and process the personal data of our members to allow for proper collection of membership and other fees, administration of sports and social events and to control access to our pavilion.  We record details of your access to our grounds and pavilion to maintain the security of our facilities.

We share some membership data with the national regulatory bodies of the sports we provide.  We also transfer your personal data to external data processing systems for our website, email broadcasting, court booking, accounting and other services.  In each case, we hold a suitable data processing contract to ensure the service providers are required to secure our data, including your personal data.

We will remove your personal data from our operational systems after a specified period (e.g. 7 after your membership lapses) and move this data into an archive that is used only for statistical analysis.  The club has membership records going back many decades and we preserve these as an important historical document that we ultimately donate to the Warwickshire County Records Office.

You have a right to see the personal data we hold on you, to instruct us how we may or may not use your personal data and to ask us to remove your personal data.  To make any such request or instruction, contact our Data Protection Officer, James Alty.  You can do so by email to data.privacy@warwickboatclub.co.uk.

You can read our full personal data processing policy here.

Recycling at Warwick Boat Club

General recycling, glass and waste
is collected by Fortress- the big bins are by the gate. There is a dry mixed recycling bin in the lobby and a notice explaining what can go in the bin. Happily Fortress take plastic film which is not currently collected at the kerbside, a lot of which can be recycled. Glass has to be separate and goes in a different bin. There is a glass collection behind the bar and cafe so if you have any glass just hand it to either the bar or cafe. There are several general waste bins around the clubhouse for items that are not recyclable. Please put your litter in the right bin, which helps the cleaning staff a lot.

Tennis Balls. Tennis balls go to a non profit making organisation called Recycaball who repressurise really good balls for selling , clean decent balls and also give away balls to police dogs, rescue centres and other good causes. They donate balls and money to charity. They will only take balls that are reasonably clean and do not have a damaged nap. This entails a fair bit of sorting. We also  donate balls that are not good enough for Recycaball but better than dog balls to local schools. In this way we are trying to give tennis balls a second life rather than them going straight to landfill. If you have any old tennis balls that are still in reasonable condition but no longer of use to you then please put them in the weatherproof Recycaball bin outside the main entrance to the Clubhouse. Recycaball give us 20p a ball. From June 2018 until January 2019 we have sent well over a 1000 balls to Recycaball. A similar number have gone to schools. Although the balls eventually end up in landfill at least they get another use or two and give a bit of help to charities. There is more information on the Recycaball website.

If you know of any schools who would like tennis balls or dog charities that would like dog balls then let the admin team know.

Thank you for your help to improve the Club's recycling.

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