Team Tennis at Warwick Boat Club

Team Tennis at Warwick Boat Club

A warm welcome from Sarah Tolliday (Ladies Team Tennis Captain) and Alex Reynolds(Men's Team Tennis Captain). We hope that you will find this page informative and that you will be impressed at the wide range of social, coaching and competitive tennis the Club provides in all age categories. Anybody who wishes to be considered for one of the teams should contact one of the team captains or Gavin Henderson, Tennis Manager.

  • Men's Open Tennis
  • Ladies Open Tennis
  • Supper Evenings

Men's Tennis

The Men's Section enters six teams into the Coventry & District League during the summer and one team into the Stratford Winter League.
Full details of Men's Summer Premier League fixtures and results can be found by clicking here

We enter teams into the following events (captains in brackets):

  • National Aegon Club Leagues each year. Midlands West Region (open) consists of singles and doubles match play (Cameron Malik)
  • National Aegon Club League division 2 (open) consists of singles and doubles match play. 

Veterans Tennis

  • Mens Over 50 Interclub championship – Format is two men's doubles pairs. 

Most Thursday evenings the club supports a men's team mix which welcomes juniors who show they have the potential to be future team players. Men's pre-season team practice is on Thursday evenings, from 7pm.

For further information on any of the men's teams please contact Alex Reynolds on

Women's Tennis

The Women's section enters five teams into the Coventry & District League during the summer & four teams into the Stratford Winter League.
For Ladies Summer Premier League fixtures and results please click here

In addition we have teams in the National & Regional Open Tier leagues for 2023, Ladies and Mixed, which consists of singles & doubles match play - Captain Charlotte Taylor

Summer team ladies practice evenings are held early April every year.

Winter team ladies practice evenings start early September & held every week until the season finishes in March.

For further information on any of the ladies teams please contact Sarah Tolliday on

We enter teams into the following events (captains in brackets)

5 Ladies Teams in the Summer Coventry & District League

Captains for 2024 season are:

1st Team – Joint Captains Helen Simpson & Susannah Tetley (parent coordinator)

2nd Team – Sarah Tolliday

3rd Team – Viv Spencer

4th Team – Joint Captains -Jette Cowan & Amanda Ray

5th Team – Zoe Sullivan


Captains for Interclub Competitions:

Women Interclub Championships Over 60 - Sarah Tolliday

Women Interclub Championships Over 65 – Anna Potts

Women Interclub Championships Over 70 – Jackie Robinson

Junior Mixed – Women Over 40 & Men Over 45 – gavin Henderson

Senior Mixed – Women Over 50 & Men Over 55 –Rob Pocknell

Many of our ladies play in the Seniors Inter-County Championships representing Warwickshire in their respective age groups; Over 40,50,55,60,65 &70

Winter Tennis 2023:

Two Teams in Warwickshire Ladies Veterans League – October to February – (A Team Captain Viviene Spencer – B Team Captain Sue Murphy)

Three Teams in the Stratford & District Mixed Winter League 2022/2023 – October to March – (A Team Captain – Cameron Malik –B Team Captain Ben Fish – C Team Captain Jane Robbins)

Stratford District League 2022/23 – Winter League Captains - September to April
A Team – Jessica Bramley
B Team – Sarah Tolliday
C Team – Angela Truman & Tracey Rigby
D Team-- Sue Hawkesford & Max Browning

Supper evenings

From time to time the club organises supper evenings open to all senior players. Please watch out for events on the website and on the tennis noticeboard

Image of Photo #1916
Photo #1916